You are here: Inter-Store Ordering – Head Office > Settings


To enable the Inter-Store Ordering to function correctly, you will need to get all the settings and permissions configured.

It is very important to ensure you have worked out the permissions you want to set for each different store.

Franchise Stores might have less access than a Company Owned Store.

Whilst all attempts have been made to have these settings in order, in some instances this is not possible.



Sites can be created by going to Setup > Sites > Add.

When creating a Site, it is possible to specify a range of Grids that only that site has access to.



Once Sites have been created, Global and Yes/No Options can all be accessed for each Site through this window when using a Head Office license.

If using a Site Management license, you will be able to directly open only that Site’s settings.



Customer Types

Create a Customer Type called Stores to group all the store accounts.

Go to File > Customers > Customer Types > Add.




A Customer will need to be created for each Site.

The Customer Account will be linked to a Location, which enables Idealpos to issue Invoices to the stores.

Go to File > Customers > Customers > Add.



You will need to select Stores as the Customer Type from the settings.



You will also need to select Account in the Sales/Accounting section.

The Credit Limit will not apply to these accounts when being invoiced.




A supplier needs to be created for the Location that provides the goods.

You only need to enter the Supplier Code and Company Name.

Go to File > Suppliers > Suppliers > Add.




This Department will generally only contain the Stock Item that is linked for use of Freight and Admin Fees associated with any Inter-Store Ordering.

Go to File > Sales > Departments > Add.



Stock Item

Create a Stock Item that will be used to record all the Admin and Freight charges.


Go to File > Stock Control > Stock Items > Add > you only need to create a Stock Code, Description and link to the Department you created > Save.



You will need to Create/Update this item on all Sites.




Multiple Locations can be linked to a single Site.

Only one terminal from each Location needs to be designated as the order terminal.

Any other terminals can be setup if required for backup purposes, but not necessary.

Go to File > Stock Control > Locations > Add/Modify > Purchase Orders > Enter the Customer Account that you set up earlier in here.



Yes/No Options

These need to be set after you have created the Site/s.

From a Head Office terminal, go to Setup > Sites > Yes/No Options > Stock Control.

From a Site Management terminal, go to Setup > Yes/No Options > Stock Control.

Head Office will want to control what the Site has access to.

Head Office and Site Management terminals will be set up differently.

Only one terminal at each Site should be set to enable ordering.


Note: The text within the brackets is defined in Global Options. You may need to switch between screens multiple times to get these correct.


Options Specific to this feature

Allow Stock Transfers between different Sites – This option will allow Sites to transfer items between each other without requiring input from Head Office.

Inhibit Deleting of Purchases – This option will make the “Delete” button on the Purchase Order screen unable to be selected. This will ensure that any orders that have been placed will stay in the database until Head Office removes them.

Quantity Field 1 – Can Modify – (Supplied) – If selected, will allow the Site to modify the quantity supplied.

Quantity Field 1 – Is Visible – (Supplied) – If selected, will allow the Site to view the quantity supplied.

Quantity Field 2 – Can Modify – (Received) – If selected, will allow the Site to modify the quantity received.

Quantity Field 2 – Is Visible – (Received) – If selected, will allow the Site to view the quantity received.

Quantity Field 3 – Can Modify – (Invoiced) – If selected, will allow the Site to modify the quantity invoiced.

Quantity Field 3 – Is Visible – (Invoiced) – If selected, will allow the Site to view the quantity invoiced.

Quantity Field 4 – Can Modify – (Quantity) – If selected, will allow the Site to modify the quantity.

Quantity Field 4 – Is Visible – (Quantity) – If selected, will allow the Site to view the quantity.

Show Only Purchases of this Location – Select this option so the Site will not see the other Site’s Purchase Orders.


Typical selections used at Head Office are:



Typical selections used on a Site are:



Sites will have limited access:



Global Options

If Purchase Orders for Sites will be created on a Touchscreen Terminal, you can select to use a Large Size Grid, which will make it easier for orders to be selected.

It may also be a good idea to turn on Default to Purchase Orders.


Go to Setup > Global Options > Purchases > Miscellaneous.



Purchase Order Status – These are 10 steps that describe the processes required from initiating an order, receiving an order and then issuing an invoice for the order. Sites are unable to edit these settings, but will display the current selections.

Quantity Field Labels – These fields are displayed on the Purchase Order, and represent the headings that are entered here. Changing these fields will change the names of the Yes/No Options linked to these headings.

Lock and Change Status to – This option will display a prompt each time an order is saved to progressively set the Purchase Order to the next status and lock the Quantity Field Label that corresponds to the status.

E.g. The first time an order is saved, Idealpos will display a prompt to lock the Quantity Ordered Field and set the Order Status to whichever status has been configured in the first dropdown box which corresponds to the Quantity Ordered Quantity Field Label. If the user presses Yes, the next time the same order is saved, Idealpos will display a prompt to lock the next Quantity Field Label in the list and set the Order Status to the status that corresponds to the Quantity Field Label.

This continues until each of the configured order statuses have been completed.

Process Quantity – This field is used to determine when the order can be turned into an invoice and posted to the linked Customer Account. Note that this setting will control which field in the Purchase Order screen will be used for calculating the total amount for the item as well as the Invoice Total. If the "Can Modify" Yes/No Option is disabled for the Quantity Field Label which has also been set to Process Quantity, the Total amount and Invoice Total will be instead calculated on the prior Quantity Field Label which has the "Can Modify" option enabled. This Process Quantity setting will affect all Purchase Orders placed from the Site (Inter-Store Orders as well as non-Inter-Store orders).

Head Office Supplier – This should be linked to the Supplier you created for Head Office.

Admin/Freight Link – This should be linked to the Site’s Stock Item that was created. Do not link this to the Base Item Stock Code.


Typical Head Office Setup:



Typical Site Setup (as seen from Head Office):



Sites are unable to view the Purchase Order details in Global Options.